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Nursing Services

Our school nurse provides health services that increase school attendance and prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases. She is responsible for verification of immunizations and providing hearing/vision screenings. She also manages students with chronic health conditions and administers specialized services to students. In partnership with our school, parents and district, our nurse strives to increase student achievement by promoting and advocating for the health, wellness and safety of all students.

Hours: 8:00-3:30

WCSD Medication Policy JGCD

  • No medication is given without written permission from parent/legal guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to transport or possess medication.
  • Medication must be in the original container.
  • Prescription medications must be in the pharmacy bottle with the pharmacy directions on the bottle.
  • Physician authorization is required for medications given daily for a period greater than 2 weeks or on a regular basis.
  • Students are allowed to carry Diabetic supplies and emergency medications for Asthma or Allergies if a Self-Administration of Medication form and Physician Health Care Plan are on file in the Clinic.
  • More information on the WCSD Board Medication Policy JGCD.

Access more information about the district's Nursing Department and download all medical forms and emergency plans.

Sydney Alexander-Barrett, LPN

School Nurse
Phone: (770) 784-2691