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Choosing Healthy Activities & Methods Promoting Safety


The Georgia Sheriff's Association originated the CHAMPS Program in 2003. The program was designed to educate 5th grade students. There are about 1500 5th graders taught each year. 

CHAMPS Curriculum

The CHAMPS curriculum has over twenty topics or lessons to choose from. Out of the twenty topics, instructors teach a six-week lesson plan, which may include topics such as: 

  • Alcohol
  • Bullying
  • Choices and Consequences
  • Internet Safety
  • Peer Pressure
  • Tobacco
  • Understanding and Avoiding Violent Behavior

At the conclusion of the six-week curriculum, a graduation is held at each school in celebration of each student's achievement.

Walnut Grove Elementary 5th grade students participate in this program and are required to create a poster on one of the topics discussed in the weekly lessons. 

The winners for the 2024-25 school year are:

Mrs. Haulk's Class:

1st Place: Peightyn Cole

2nd Place: Abigail Stribling

3rd Place: Layna Barkevich

Overall Winner: Callie Wilson

Mrs. Lockard's Class:

1st Place: Rylee Pope

2nd Place: Eli Bridegroom

3rd Place: Eva Hunt

Overall Winner: George Beristain-Marban

Mrs. Reidling's Class:

1st Place: Avery Ford

2nd Place: Cierra Cichorz 

3rd Place: Noah Culverson

Overall Winner: Madison Craine

Mrs. Allgood's Class:

1st Place: Tanner Whitley

2nd Place: Scotlynn Duncan 

3rd Place: Bodie Rhea

Overall Winner: Skye Harrison

Mrs. Larimer's Class:

1st Place: Gabe Fortune

2nd Place: Raegan Smith 

3rd Place: Noah Allen

Overall Winner: Chason Grow

WGES Overall Winner:

Gabe Fortune
Gabe's poster will compete against all 1st place winners in the 5th grade throughout Walton County in both public and private schools. The results will be announced towards the end of the school year.

Deputy McElreath

SRO/CHAMPS Instructor